Hui Qian, Changqing Yu, Jams Mechie, Xiangzhi Zeng           | |
Tectonophysics - 2021
823 (2022) 229193
doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229193 | |
A dense seismological array and profile reveal the deep structure across the Longmenshan from the Songpan-Ganzi terrane of the Tibetan plateau to the Sichuan basin. Receiver function and tomographic images reveal that the Pengguan Complex which cores the Longmenshan in the region where the Ms. 8 Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 occurred, is marked by high velocities in the upper 15 km of the crust. At about 15 km depth both P- and S-wave velocities decrease at a flat-lying boundary around which the aftershock hypocentres of the Wenchuan earthquake are concentrated. Thus, this boundary may be a faulted interface or detachment, marking the base of the Pengguan Complex. Moho depths change significantly in going from the Tibetan plateau to the Sichuan basin. At the location of the dense profile a Moho step occurs, located about 50 km NW of the surface trace of the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault (YBF). The boundary at about 15 km depth below the Pengguan Complex seems to deepen at around the Wenchuan-Maoxian fault (WMF) by about 3 km and merge to the NW with another interface at about 18 km depth. This interface, NW of the WMF, which correlates with the top of a zone of high conductivity is interpreted to represent the top of the Tibetan mid-crustal low velocity, high conductivity zone. The tomographic image indicates that the boundary between the low velocities of the Songpan-Ganzi terrane and the high velocities of the Sichuan basin in the middle and lower crust occurs NW of the surface trace of the YBF. Thus, it is proposed that a zone extending from the WMF at about 15 km depth to the Moho step about 25 km further NW marks the boundary between the Tibetan plateau and the Sichuan basin in the middle and lower crust. |
Xiangzhi Zeng, Wencai Yang           | |
Applied sciences - 2021
(11) 6606
doi:10.3390/app11146606 | |
When an earthquake occurs, it is not only the crustal material in the seismic zone that moves violently; the seismic waves of the earthquake with certain level of energy can act on the crust over large areas, producing remote effects that affect the living environment. According to the records of the long-term observation station of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling, the effects of near-surface crust caused by the post-earthquake seismic waves include the following four aspects: (1) the pore fissure loosening; (2) the pore pressure rising and groundwater upwelling; (3) gas releasing; and (4) exothermic reaction. The effects of groundwater upwelling, gas releasing and exothermic reaction may be superimposed on the process of global warming, which has a certain impact on the terrestrial environment and requires further studies. |
张平川, 于常青, 瞿辰, 邱隆君, 李恒强           | |
地震学报 - 2021
43(5): : 569-583.
doi:10.11939/jass.20200119 | |
基于覆盖盐源盆地的短周期天然地震台阵和布设的一条人工地震测线所获得的地震数据,从中提取地震能量属性,并通过地震层析成像获得该地区的浅部地震速度结构,继而对短周期地震台阵一个月的噪声数据进行互相关得到经验格林函数,再通过时频分析获得相速度频散曲线,反演获得不同深度的S 波速度分布。研究结果显示,盐源盆地地震特征主要分为三层:浅部为低速新生代沉积地层,P 波速度为1.0—2.1 km/s,反射轴明显、连续性好,反射能量强,S 波速度为中高南低,南部低速体与盐源断裂走向一致,新生代盆地整体呈南深北浅,沉积发育和构 造形态受盐源断裂控制;中部为中低速三叠系地层,P 波速度为3.5—4.5 km/s,反射轴不连续,反射能量较弱,S 波速度逐渐变大,整体变化变小;深部为高速古生代地层,地震反射较为杂乱,反射能量弱;上地壳存在滑脱面,该界面为沉积盖层与结晶基底的分界面,且向浅部发育一系列断层,其中金河—箐河断裂为盐源盆地与康滇地块的分界线,这些断裂带也是盐源盆地地震频发的部位。 |
于明羽,于常青           | |
地球科学 - 2021
doi:0.3799/dqkx.2020.020 | |
彭灌杂岩位于龙门山断裂带中段,是龙门山区域地质构造重要组成部分.通过对一条穿过彭灌杂岩中部的深地震反射剖面进行分析解释,描述该区域彭灌杂岩深部结构特征及形成机制.地震反射剖面分析表明彭灌杂岩在纵深上存在分层结构,且彭灌杂岩存在底界面,在该区域表现出无根特征,参考岩体层倾向推断原岩应来自现位置西北方向更深部;同时剖面能量图上映秀-北川深部断裂位置发育在彭灌杂岩体不同分层间隙,未破坏彭灌杂岩主岩体深部结构,彭灌杂岩体浅部的断层发育与龙门山地表断裂系统一致,表明彭灌杂岩成岩时间早于龙门山构造运动;综合岩性及成岩时间推断彭灌杂岩源于现有位置的西北方向大陆基底,由印支期板块运动中松潘陆块基底物质多期次上涌形成,并在喜山运动期受到西北方向应力推覆隆起到达目前位置. |
Xin Dai,Yuanliang, WangLiqiang, et al           | |
Geobiology - 2021
doi:10.1111/gbi.12430 | |
It is generally accepted that there is a vast, well-populated biosphere in the subsurface, but the depth limit of the terrestrial biosphere has yet to be determined, largely because of the lack of access to the subsurface. Here as part of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project in eastern China, we acquired continuous rock cores and endeavored to probe the depth limit of the biosphere and the depth-dependent distribution of microorganisms at a geologically unique site, that is, a convergent plate boundary. Microbiological analyses of ultra-high-pressure metamorphic rock cores taken from the ground surface to 5,158-meter reveal that microbial distribution was continuous up to a depth of ~4,850 m, where temperature was estimated to be ~137°C. The metabolic state of these organisms at such great depth remains to be determined. Microbial abundance, ranging from 103 to 108 cells/g, was also related to porosity, but not to the depth and rock composition. In addition, microbial diversity systematically decreased with depth. Our results support the notion that temperature is a key factor in determining the lower limit of the biosphere in the continental subsurface. |
Zhang L, Li H B, Sun Z M, et al           | |
Geology - 2018 - 10 .1130/G40153 .1 . | |
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He X L, Li H B, Wang H, et al           | |
Tectonics - 2018
doi: 10 .1029/2017TC004820 | |
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钱辉,James Mechie,于常青           | |
地球物理学报 - 2018 - 61(05):2011-2021 | |
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朱小三,卢民杰,管烨,张颖慧           | |
地质通报 - 2018 - 37(Z1):299-313 | |
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徐泰然,卢占武,王海燕,李洪强,李文辉           | |
吉林大学学报(地球科学版) - 2018 - 48(02):556-565 | |
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Kuo L W, Felice F D, Spagnuolo E, et al           | |
Geology - 2017 - 2017, 45(11) | |
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Yang X, Lin W, Tadai O, et al           | |
Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth - 2017 - 122(7):5101-5117 | |
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Zhang L, Sun Z M, Li H B, et al           | |
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems - 2017
18(5): 1889-1906
doi: 10 .1002/2017GC006822 | |
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Gong Z, Li H B, Tang L, et al           | |
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences - 2017 - 138:416-426 | |
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Xu Z Q, Yang J, Wang C, et al           | |
Scientific Drilling - 2017 - 22:1-18 | |
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徐泰然,卢占武,王海燕,李洪强,李文辉           | |
地球物理学进展 - 2017 - 32(02):762-774 | |
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朱小三,卢民杰,程文景,宋玉财,张超           | |
地质通报 - 2017 - 36(12):2143-2153 | |
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于常青,张刚,王绪本,罗威,李德伟,蔡学林,郭紫明           | |
地球物理学报 - 2017 - 60(06):2385-2396 | |
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宋丽蓉,于常青,郑绵平,陈文西,王永智,何俊杰,李桂花,钱鹏           | |
地球物理学报 - 2017 - 60(04):1584-1594 | |
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Zheng Y, Li H B, Sun Z M, et al           | |
Tectonics - 2016
doi: 10 .1002/2016TC004210 | |
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Han L, Zhou Y S, He C R, Li H B           | |
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences - 2016 - 117: 107-118 | |
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Li H B, Wang H, Yang G, et al           | |
International Journal of Earth Sciences - 2016
105(8): 2253-2272
doi: 10 .1007/s00531-015-1285-9 | |
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Liu D L, Li H B, Lee T Q, et al           | |
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences - 2016 - 115, 468-479 | |
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Zheng Y, Li H B, Gong Z           | |
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences - 2016 - 117: 23-32 | |
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Liu J, Li H, Zhang J, et al           | |
Earth Planets & Space - 2016 - 68(1):19 | |
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Rui Gao, Zhanwu Lu           | |
Nature Geoscience - 2016 - 9(7):555-560 | |
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Hui Qian           | |
Journal of Seismology - 2016 - 20:213-232 | |
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Xiaosan Zhu           | |
Applied Geophysics - 2016 - 13(04):721-735+740 | |
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卢占武,高锐,李洪强,李文辉,熊小松,徐泰然           | |
中国地质 - 2016 - 43(05):1679-1687 | |
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Li H B, Xue L, Brodsky E E, et al           | |
Geology - 2015 - 43: 163-166 | |
Knowledge of the shear stress on a fault during slip is necessary for a physically-based understanding of earthquakes. Borehole temperature measurements inside the fault zone immediately after an earthquake can record the energy dissipated by this stress. In the first Wenchuan Earthquake Fault Zone Scientific Drilling Project hole (Sichuan province, China) we repeatedly measured temperature profiles from 1.3 to 5.3 yr after the 12 May 2008, Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. The previously identified candidate for the principal slip surface had only a small local temperature increase of at most 0.02 °C with no obvious decay. The small amplitude of the temperature increase provides an upper bound for the frictional heat-generated coseismic slip, but is unlikely to be a frictionally generated signal. Two larger temperature anomalies are located above and within the fault zone. However, neither anomaly evolves as expected from a frictional transient. We conclude that the frictional heat from the Wenchuan earthquake remains elusive and the total heat generated at this location is much less than 29 MJ/m2. Low friction during slip is consistent with the temperature data |
Wang H, Li H B, Janssen C, et al           | |
Journal of Structural Geology - 2015 - 74: 159-171 | |
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Gong Z, Li H B, Lao C L, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2015 - 639: 109-117 | |
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于常青,王琪,卢振权,瞿辰,罗愫,周宇,谈顺佳           | |
现代地质 - 2015 - 29(05):1130-1137 | |
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于常青,李永红,卢振权,瞿辰,罗愫,王伟超,周宇           | |
现代地质 - 2015 - 29(05):1138-1143 | |
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Zhanwu Lu           | |
Episodes2 - 2015 - 38(3):169-179 | |
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Zhanwu Lu           | |
International Journal of Geosciences - 2015 - 6:821-830 | |
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钱辉,李海兵,James Mechie,薛光琦,宿和平,崔湘           | |
地球物理学进展 - 2015 - 30(01):91-98 | |
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朱小三,钱荣毅,王永,董进,迟振卿,姚培毅           | |
地质学报 - 2015 - 89(12):2236-2249 | |
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于常青,王琪,卢振权,瞿辰,罗愫,周宇,谈顺佳           | |
现代地质 - 2015 - 29(05):1130-1137 | |
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于常青,李永红,卢振权,瞿辰,罗愫,王伟超,周宇           | |
现代地质 - 2015 - 29(05):1138-1143 | |
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Xue L, Li H B, Brodsky E E, et al           | |
SCIENCE - 2014
340: 1555-1559
doi:? | |
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Kuo L W, Li H B, Steven A F, et al           | |
Geology - 2014 - 42:47-50 | |
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Li H B, Xu Z Q, Niu Y X, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619-620: 86-100 | |
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Li Y, Li H B, Zhou R J, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619-620: 1-12 | |
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Li Y, Yan Z K, Liu S G, Li H B et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014
619-620: 179-193
doi: | |
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Liu D L, Li H B, Lee T Q, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619-620: 58-69 | |
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Pan J W, Li H B, Si J L, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619–620(5), 13-28 | |
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Pei J L, Zhou Z Z, Dong S G, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 637: 207-217 | |
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Si J L, Li H B, Kuo L W, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619-620(5), 171-178 | |
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Wang H, Li H B, Si J L, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619-620: 101-114 | |
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Wu C, Li H B, Leloup P H, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 619-620: 159-170 | |
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Zheng Y, Kong P, Fu B H           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 634: 44-54 | |
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Pei J L, Li H B, Wang H, et al           | |
Earth Planets and Space - 2014 - 66: 23 | |
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Xiaosan Zhu,Ru-Shan Wu,Xiaofei Chen,Rui Gao           | |
Tectonophysics - 2014 - 610 | |
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卢占武,高锐,王海燕,李文辉,李洪强           | |
地球物理学进展 - 2014 - 29(06):2518-2525 | |
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朱小三,吴如山,陈晓非           | |
地球物理学报 - 2014 - 57(01):241-260 | |
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朱小三,高锐,管烨,李秋生,王海燕,卢占武           | |
地球物理学进展 - 2014 - 29(01):84-94 | |
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Li H B, Wang H, Xu Z Q, et al           | |
Tectonophysics - 2013 - 584: 23-42 | |
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Li Y G, Xu Z Q and Li H B           | |
ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA (English Edition) - 2013 - 87(z1): 369 | |
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Zhanwu Lu, Rui Gao, Yongtie Li, Aimin Xue, Qiusheng Li, Haiyan Wang           | |
Tectonophysics - 2013 - 606:171-177 | |
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瞿辰,杨文采,于常青           | |
地学前缘 - 2013 - 20(05):196-206 | |
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朱小三,高锐,李秋生,管烨,卢占武,王海燕           | |
地球物理学进展 - 2013 - 28(06):2878-2900 | |
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钱辉,姜枚,肖文交,赵大鹏,王煜,张立树,赵磊           | |
地震学报 - 2011 - 33(03):327-341+406 | |
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杨文采,于常青           | |
地质学报 - 2011 - 85(09):1399-1408 | |
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卢占武,高锐,李永铁,李秋生,王海燕,匡朝阳,酆少英,熊小松           | |
岩石学报 - 2011 - 27(11):3319-3327+3513 | |
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卢占武,高锐,匡朝阳,刘金凯,酆少英,王海燕,侯贺晟           | |
地质通报 - 2011 - 30(09):1412-1417 | |
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